Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010


25 Desember 2010
Selamat hari natal untuk yang merayakan. Hari ini aku bangun pagi, langsung mandi (keramas, soalnya rambut udah bau busuk banget), dan berangkat ke Bandung. Sepanjang perjalanan menuju Bandung, aku mendengarkan musik Glee.
Sampe di Bandung, langsung ke rumahnya sepupu, Te Ain. Pengen main Ice Akating deh...

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

memories i'll never forget

nginget masa itu bikin aku sedih, seneng, pengen senyum, plus pengen nangis. But life's what you make it so let's make it rock

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Gimana Ulangannya..??

11 Desember 2010
Sekarang udah hari ke-4 ulangan umum. Waktu yang cuma 24 jam sehari dikurangi tidur 8 jam, jadi 16 jam. Dikurangi mandi setengah jam, dikurangi makan dan siap siap kesekolah 1 setengah jam. Jadi 14 jam. Dikurangin ulangan 6 jam. Jadi tinggal 8 jam. Dikurangi lagi ngerjain tugas dari guru yang deadline-nya mepet abis, 2 jam-an. Jadi tinggal 4 jam dong waktu buat belajarnya. Padahal satu hari bisa 3 pelajaran yang diulanganin.
I mean c'mon!!! We're not a robot who always do what they (teachers) said. Like Beep beep beep. Kita juga manusia yang pengen hang out, ngegosip bareng temen-temen lain. Like every girls do. Kalo ngasih tugas harusnya jangan banyak-banyak. Emang sih "Ahh... cuma tugas segitu aja, masa ngga dikerjain.." Hello... emangnya guru yang ngasih tugas hanya satu???
Tapi daripada hanya ngeluh nggak guna, mendingan kita FBan aja. (Lho??!!) Maksudnya kerjain semua tugas itu secepat ninja berlari. (kadang ada guru yang hanya ngasih tugas, di kumpulin, tapi nggak diliat isinya. yang penting ngumpulin udah dapet nilai) Jadi, yang penting jadii, deh. :P
Sorry Ma'am, Sir. Peace...
Lupakan kalimat "pelan tapi pasti". Disaat mepet begini ingen kata Jusuf Kalla:
-lebih cepat lebih baik-
-JK- (bukan promosi, lo. orang gua kaga dibayar)

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010


5 Desember 2010
Nggak bener-bener depresi, sih. Bayangin aja. Ulangan tanggal 8 Desember 2010. Tapi guru malah ngasi tugas yang banyaknya naujubile'....
Sekarang aku harus ke sekolah jam sepuluh buat silat. Helooo... padahal kan sekarang hari minggu. Terus matematika, di suruh menjawab lagi 20 soal ulangan karena saya mendapat nilai ulangan yang ancur sekali. Terus tugas komputer. Dan ngerjainnya bisanya di lingkungan sekolah. Tapi labkom sekolahnya malah penuh terus. Pada online facebook. Terus tugas fisika, nggak tau apaan tuh. Tapi guru fisika, Pa Adem nyuruh memfoto kopi buku, tapi foto kopiannya aku malah belum dapet. Kimia juga di suruh ngerjain soal. PKN di suruh ngerangkum 3 bab. LKS Senbud juga diisi. OMG, I have no time for this. 24 jam itu singkat banget.
Tapi masalahnya nggak ada waktu untuk ngeluh. Tugas-tugasnya di kumpulin besok. Aku harus siap-siap dulu ke sekolah. Mo Pencak Silat dulu -rolling eyes-.
Wish me luck, ya everybody. Amin

Love From Jayadhikari Aryasetya

Aku bikin gambar nih. Gambarnya ceritanya ini kepala-kepala anak-anak paskibra smantie. Ada 33 kepala... Yang belum ke gambar maaf deh. Abisnya g tau anak paskib semuanya ada berapa.
Gimana gambarnya? Lucu nggak? Hehehe... :P
Biasa aja sih tapi yang di liat arti gambarnya dong. Kebersamaan. Because we are family :)

Selasa, 30 November 2010

Lomba Dinas

Tanggal 25 November 2010 merupakan hari paling penting bagi kami, para Jayadhikari Aryasetya. -bahasanya sok iyeh banget- Soalnya hari itu kita ada lomba Paskibra. -foto bisa dilihat di samping- Jadi ceritanya jam setengah 6 kita udah kumpul di sekolah nih. Dari sekolah tersayang, SMAN 3 Kota Sukabumi a.k.a Smantie, kita naik bus Smantie. Kita dapet nomor urut 05. Agak di awal-awal banget, kan. Sebelumnya kita upacara gitu dulu. Tau deh namanya apa -upacara bkn, ya-. Terus baru deh lombanya dimulai. Kita latihan dulu disana. Terus kita dipanggil buat baris di Daerah Persiapan a.k.a DP. -aku intip" dikit, tim yang lain pada rapi-rapi dan bagus. jadi rada iri- Pas giliran kita "action", wah kacau. Banyak banget yang salah, termasuk aku. Deg-degan banget abisnya. Ancur, lah pokoknya. Malu banget pas keluar lapangan. Ada yang nangis, malah. Aku juga nyesel, malu, kesel, campur aduk. Pengen nangis tapi ngga bisa. Abis gitu kita disuruh ganti baju, soalnya nggak boleh PDKP atau Pakaian Dinas Kehormatan Paskibra, -gitu kata Kang Rachmat- ngga boleh di pake jalan-jalan. Tapi aku ma nggak di ganti. Hanya ditutupin jaket. Terus kita nonton tim lain beraksi. Temenku yang ada di SMAN 1, Smansa tampil. Bagus mereka sih. Rapi. Emang sih latihannya juga lebih rajin dari Smantie. Istirahat makan siang, kita makan-makan dulu. Si Nurry main semprot-semprotan air sama Kang Chairil. Ada yang dengerin lagu, Dina si Bulu -Bu Lurah-. Ada yang tidur, Elin. Ada yang jongkok, Gilang si Palu -Pa Lurah-, dan lain-lain. Terus pada sholat, aku ma lagi nggak solat. Pas semua tim udah tampil, sambil nunggu juri nilai-nilai lagi, Paska tampil dulu. Teh Santi malah loncat buat ngelurusin barisan, gara-gara nggak lurus. Terus dangdutan -,-. Lama'nyee.... Upacara lagi, aja. Terus pengumuman pemenang aja. Dan Jayadhikari Aryasetya pun pulang dengan tangan kosong -bahasanya sok iyeh banget, sok mendramatisir-. Kita sedih sih, karena nggak bisa bikin sekolah bangga. Tapiii, kita nggak ngebiarin kesedihan menghapus semangat kita. Soalnya kita bakal ngebuktiin kalo kita BISA!!! Di Bus Smantie kita nyanyi-nyanyi. Ada lagu Apantipapulo, Kapal Selam, Hideung, dll. Semuanya kita nyanyiin. Rame banget. Pokoknya the best day I ever had, deh -lebay-. I Love Jayadhikari Aryasetya. JAYA!!!

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Flanelicious Craft: Flanell Cake

Flanelicious Craft: Flanell Cake

You Are My Favorite Song

Words don't come easy without a melody
I'm always thinking In terms of do-re-mi
I should be hiking, swimming, laughing with you
Instead I'm all out of tune

But what you don't know
You lift me off the ground
You're inspiration, you helped me find my sound
Just like a bass line at half-time
You hold down the groove
That's why I'm counting on you

And if I heard you on the radio
I'd never wanna change a single note
It's what I'm trying to say all along
You're my favorite song

I'm in a session, writing track
You got another class to teach

And then rehearsal with a band
You're always one step out of reach
I'm looking for some harmony
With you it comes so naturally
You helped me find the right key

And when I here you on the radio
I'd never wanna change a single note
It's what I tried to say all along
You're my favorite song

My Favorite Song!

And when I here you on the radio
I'd never wanna change a single note
It's what I tried to say all along

You're my favorite song
You're my favorite song

Wouldn't Change A Thing-Demi Lovato Joe Jonas Camp Rock 2

It's like he doesn't hear a word I say
His mind is somewhere far away
And I don't know how to get there

It's like (she's way too serious)
All he wants is to chill out (she's always in a rush)
He makes me want to pull all my hair out
Like he doesn't even care (like she doesn't even care)

You (me)
*We're face to face but we don't see eye to eye*

Like fire and rain (like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane (you can drive me insane)
*But I can't stay mad at you for anything*
We're Venus and Mars (we're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
*But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing*

(She's always tring to save the day
Just wanna let my music play
She's all or nothing, but my feelings never change)
Why does he try to read my mind? (I try to read her mind)
It's not good to psychoanalise (she tries to pick a fight, to get attention)
*That's what all of my friends say*

You (me)
*We're face to face but we don't see eye to eye*

Like fire and rain (like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane (you can drive me insane)
*But I can't stay mad at you for anything*
We're Venus and Mars (we're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
*But you're the harmony to ever song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing*

(When I'm yes she's no)
When I hold on he just lets go
*We're perfectly imperfect
But I wouldn't change a thing, no*

Like fire and rain (like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane (you can drive me insane)
*But I can't stay mad at you for anything*
We're Venus and Mars (we're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
*But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing*

*But I can't stay mad at you for anything*
We're Venus and Mars (we're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
*But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a
Wouldn't change a thing*

What We Came Here For-Camp Rock 2

They say that life is a two-way street
When you're not sure, you gotta trust your feet
To know the right way

You can keep on moving with your head down
Or you can stop and take a look around
And that's the choice I've made, yeah

It's for that movie inside your head
Making memories we can't forget
And when you can't forget

You're gonna know in your soul
This is what we came here for
So live it loud, here and now
This moment, it won't be ignored
So why not open up that door?
It's what we came here for

For every song
That we let play outside
And melodies we get to ride
Every time we sing

The friends we've made, the fun we've had
Remembering is gonna make me laugh
It's a beautiful thing
So beautiful

I wanna send it around the world
'Cause everybody should feel this good
'Cause when you feel this good

You're gonna know in your soul
This is what we came here for
So live it loud, here and now
This moment, it won't be ignored
So why not open up that door?
It's what we came here for

We're just getting started
To celebrating where we are

You're gonna know in your soul
This is what we came here for
So live it loud, here and now
This moment, it won't be ignored

So why not open uo that door
Open up that door
So come on open up that door

It's what we came here for
Came here for

That's what we came here...came here for

Walkin' In My Shoes-Camp Rock 2

(Oh oh oh)

You can play a song
Or send your groove
You can break it down (can break it down)

You can play a song
When you see me move
We can turn around
Turn around

Oh oh
Know you
Checkin' on me
She be checkin' on you
Gimme the green light
I'm ready to go
Here at the start line
Im ready to roll
I gota take you
I gota shake you
No ones gota lose
Walkin' in my shoes
I stop at the red line
I'm on a roll
Turn up the music
I'm out of control
I gota take you
I gota shake you
No ones gota lose
Walkin' in my shoes

Light come on (Yeah)
I can feel the heat
Then I'll hit the floor (Hit the floor) (Ooo)

When the curtain's up
I fly off my feat
Feel me one more (One more)

Oh oh
Know you
Checkin' on me
She be checkin' on you
Gimme the green light
I'm ready to go
Here at the start line
Im ready to roll
I gota take you
I gota shake you
No ones gota lose
Walkin' in my shoes
I stop at the red line
I'm on a roll
Turn up the music
I'm out of control
I gota take you
I gota shake you
No ones gota lose
Walkin' in my shoes

(Eh) Walkin' in my shoes

(Hey) Gimme the (Hey) green light
(Oh) I'm ready to go (Oh)
(Hey) No one's (Hey) gonna lose
Walkin' in my shoes

Gimme the green light
I'm ready to go
Here at the start line
Im ready to roll
I gota take you
I gota shake you
No ones gota lose
Walkin' in my shoes
I stop at the red line
I'm on a roll
Turn up the music
I'm out of control
I gota take you
I gota shake you
No ones gota lose
Walkin' in my shoes

Gimme the green light
I'm ready to go
Here at the start line
I'm ready to roll
I gotta take you
I gotta shake you
No ones gota lose
Walkin' in my shoes
I stop at the red line
I'm on a roll
Turn up the music
I'm out of control
I gota take you
I gota shake you
No ones gota lose
Walkin' in my shoes
Walkin' in my shoes

This Is Our Song-Camp Rock 2

So let's sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya

This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
This is our song

And grab your guitar
Sit by the fire
'Cause we all need a song
When tired
We'll sit here together
And sing it outloud

This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
And this is our song
This is our song
This is our song
This is our song

Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
And come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya

This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
(Our summer)

This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
This is our song
(This is our song)
This is our song
(This is our song)
This is our song

Tear It Down-Camp Rock 2

I was ready for this since I was crawling
Put my name on the list
You won't be gambling
Not gonna leave with just this we're gonna take everything

Confidence, compliments
Bet you see it's evident

Catch me if you can, I'm like a bandit
I can float on my feet, you can't stand it
I don't just dance in a group, I command it

We give you more than you want
Than you can handle

When we're out on the floor, we'll take over the ball
Stealing the show
We're gonna leave you in awe
When we're coming up, when we're coming up
We gonna tear it down

You can't stop us now
You can't shut us down
You can't top the sound
Better get ready now
We gonna tear it down

The looks we got 'em
The moves we got 'em
The style we got it
We gonna tear it down

The love we got it
The crowd we own it
Tonight we run it
We gonna tear it down

Coming in so hard, I'm on my "A" game
Don't dispute the art, I'm like a heavyweight
Yeah, I got this far, I'm a renegade

"A" game, heavyweight, renegade, piece of cake

I could do this dance with my eyes closed
When I step on the scene I leave 'em all froze
You wanna rumble with me, I write the protocol

Innovative on the stage
Set the record straight

When we're out on the floor
We'll take the ball
Stealing the show

We're gonna leave you in awe
When we're coming up, when we're coming up
We're gonna tear it down

You can't stop us now
You can't shut us down
You can't top the sound
Better get ready now
We gonna tear it down

The looks we got 'em
The moves we got 'em
The style we got it
We gonna tear it down

The love we got it
The crowd we own it
Tonight we run it
We gonna tear it down

Yes, yes, dem no wan to contest we
Recognise we the best that can be
Sing, dance, rap, get hands the clap
Of course you know that you can't
Hold a candle to our flames
Tear it up and take names
It's not a game
It's a shame you can't be like us
Can't be like us
We leave you in the dust
Oh yes we tear it up

When we're out on the floor
We'll take over the ball
Stealing the show
We're gonna leave you in awe
When we're coming up. when we're coming up
We gonna tear it down

You can't stop us now
You can't shut us down
You can't top the sound
Better get ready now
We gonna tear it down

The looks we got 'em
The moves we got 'em
The style we got it
We gonna tear it down

The love we got it
The crowd we own it
Tonight we run it
We gonna tear it down

It's Not Too Late-Demi Lovato Camp Rock 2 lyrics

Here I am
Feels like the walls are closing in
Once again
It's time to face it and be strong

I wanna do the right thing now
I know it's up to me somehow
I've lost my way

If I could take it all back, I would now
I never meant to let you all down
And now I've got to try
To turn it all around
And figure out how to fix this
I know there's a way, so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
Maybe it's not too late
Maybe it's not too late, oh

So I'll take a stand
Even though it's complicated
If I can, I wanna change the way I've made it

I wanna do the right thing now
I know it's up to me somehow
I'll find my way

If I could take it all back, I would now
I never meant to let you all down
And now I've got to try
To turn it all around
And figure out how to fix this
I know there's a way, so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
Maybe it's not too late

I'm gonna find the strength to be
The one that holds it all together
Show you that I'm sorry
But I know that we can make it better

If I could take it all back, I would now
I never meant to let you all down
And now I've got to try
To turn it all around
And figure out how to fix this
I know there's a way, so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
(Mess I made)
Maybe it's not too late

I never meant to let you all down
Now I've got to try
To turn it all around
And figure out how to fix this
I know there's a way, so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
Maybe it's not too late
Maybe it's not too late

Introducing Me-Nick Jonas Camp Rock 2

I'm good at wasting time,
I think lyrics need to rhyme
And you're not asking,
But I'm trying to grow a moustache.

I eat cheese, but only on pizza, please
Or sometimes on a home made quesadilla,
Otherwise it smells like feet to me.
And I really like it when the moon looks like a toe nail,
And I love it when you say, my name.

If you want to know, here it goes, gonna tell you,
There's a part of me to show if we're close
Gonna let you see everything,
But remember that you asked for it
Im trying to do my best to impress
but it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wonna hear what lives in my brain
And my heart, well you asked for it.

For you're Pursuing,
At times confusing,
Slightly amusing,
Introducing me.

Do do, do do do do do
Do do, do do do do do
La, da da da
La, da da da da da da da da, da.

I never, trust a dog to watch my food,
And I like to use the word "dude",
As a noun, or an adverb, or an adjective.

And I, I never really been into cars,
I like really cool guitars,
And superheros, and cheques with lots of zeros on them.

I love the sound of violins,
And making someone smile.

If you want to know, here it goes, gonna tell you,
There's a part of me to show if we're close
Gonna let you see everything,
But remember that you asked for it.
Im trying to do my best to impress
but it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wonna hear what lives in my brain
And my heart, well you asked for it.

For you're Pursuing,
At times confusing,
Possibly amusing,
Introducing me.
Well you probably Know more that you ever wanted to,
So be careful when you ask next time.

So, If you want to know, here it goes, gonna tell you,
There's a part of me to show if we're close
Gonna let you see everything,
But remember that you asked for it.
Im trying to do my best to impress
but it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wonna hear what lives in my brain
And my heart, well you asked for it.

For you're Pursuing,
At times confusing,
Hopefully amusing,
Introducing me.

Do do, do do do do do,
Do do, do do do do do,
Do do do do do
Introducing Me

Heart And Soul-The Jonas Brother Camp Rock 2

All right

Gather 'round, guys
It's time to start listenin'
Practice makes perfect
But perfect's not working
There's a lot more to music
Than knowing where your cue's gonna be

You can play all the right notes
But that don't mean you're moving me
But if you can jump like David Lee Roth
Or pump your fist like you're Bruce the Boss

If you've got a heart and soul
You can rock n' roll
Rock n' roll

Strum it, drum it
Slide across and run it
The stage is your home if you learn how to own it
Like the greats did
There's no way that you can fake it

You've gotta feel the beat before you can move
Even though you're not wearing blue suede shoes
And making mistakes
Well they won't matter
If you can swagger like ol' Mick Jagger

If you've got a heart and soul
You can rock n' roll
You can rock n' roll

If you live and die for the music inside
If the 1-4-5 never gets old
Then you can rock n' roll
Rock n' roll

All right, now take it low
Now I need the spotlight to hit me
Right here
As the crowd starts to cheer
I need the fan to blow right through my rockstar hair
Right here

If you can scream like Axl Rose
Or sing like Xtina show after show
If you've got heart and soul
You can rock n' roll
If you've got heart and soul
now you can rock n' roll
You can rock n' roll, Oh yeah
rock n' roll

Fire-Camp Rock 2

Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Go Go Go (X2)

Nobody's gona wana get next to me
Cause they know (they know)
I'll take this one I wont let it go
Doesn't' matter how you approach the scene
Just go (just go)
You're everything you want when you hit the door

I dare you to challenge me
I'm begging for mercy please
Just watch! I'll give you something to follow
Cause I've been waiting so patiently ( to the left )
Got fire come outa me
I faught you up again, I'm just letting you know
(I keep givin you the)
We bring the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for
I'm a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
So set it up

A genius knowin no one can take this crown
Its so great (so great)
They can cool me off when I hit the stage
Burnin hot, the spotlight has spelt my name
I feel famous (famous)
The crowd cheers me on I cant get enough
(Keep givin you the)
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for
I'm a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up


I keep givin you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for
I'm a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up

I keep givin you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for
I'm a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up

It's On-Camp Rock 2

A little guitar, please
One, two, three, four

I hope you're ready for the time of your life
Just look at me
I put a gleam in your eye
Buckle up
We're gonna take you for a ride

Let's go
We got you going
Get in the vibe
Everybody, put your hands to the sky
Buckle up
We're gonna take you, take you high

Show me, show me, show me, show me, show what you got
Come on, come on, come on, come on, ready or not
La-la-la-la-la, let me see how you bob
It's on, it's on, it's on
Get crazy, crazy, crazy; take it over the top
'Cause we, 'cause we, 'cause when we rock, we let it rock
Rock it, rock it, rock it; rock it; dance till we drop
It's on, it's on, it's on

Okay now, are you ready? Yeah
One, two
One, two, three, four

Showstoppin' when I step in the place
Before it's done, you're gonna beg me to stay
Get on board
Come on; let's ride the wave

Let's go, let's go
We just do what we do
Watch me break and pop
I'll pass it to you
You wanna rock like us
'Cause we're never second place

Show me, show me, show me, show me, show what you got
Come on, come on, come on, come on, ready or not
La-la-la-la-la, let me see how you bob
It's on, it's on, it's on
Get crazy, crazy, crazy; take it over the top
'Cause we, 'cause we, 'cause when we rock, we let it rock
Rock it, rock it, rock it; rock it; dance till we drop
It's on, it's on, it's on

Okay now, are you ready?
One, two
One, two, three, four

The-the-the-there is no competition
That's why we are in the number one position
That crew can't hang with us
Man, we're too dangerous
Ain't got the style or the stamina
Just doin' my thing
Get hooked on my swing
Rockin' the place, droppin' the bass
Makin' all the girls sing
Yeah, we make the bells ring
A little guitar, please
One, two, three, four

Show me, show me, show me, show me, show what you got
Come on, come on, come on, come on, ready or not
La-la-la-la-la, let me see how you bob
It's on, it's on, it's on
Get crazy, crazy, crazy; take it over the top
'Cause we, 'cause we, 'cause when we rock, we let it rock
Rock it, rock it, rock it; rock it; dance till we drop
It's on, it's on, it's on

Show me, show me, show me, show me, show what you got
Come on, come on, come on, come on, ready or not
La-la-la-la-la, let me see how you bob
It's on, it's on, it's on
Get crazy, crazy, crazy; take it over the top
'Cause we, 'cause we, 'cause when we rock, we let it rock
Rock it, rock it, rock it; rock it; dance till we drop
It's on, it's on, it's on

One, two
One, two, three,
It's on!

Can't Back Down-Camp Rock 2

We can't
We can't back down (x5)

Not right now
We can't back down
Not right now
We can't back down
We can't back down

Don't close your eyes
We're all in this together
Wherever they draw the line
We're not gonna straddle, we'll cross it
Or lose it

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
This is serious
Don't walk away
We can't pretend it's not happening
In our own backyard
Our own home plate
We've been called out
Do you hear your name?
I'm not confused
Let's win this thing
We can't back down
There's too much at stake
Don't walk away
Don't walk away

Don't get me wrong
I don't like confrontation
I'd rather we all just get along
Music should be undivided, united

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
This is serious
Don't walk away
We can't pretend it's not happening
In our own backyard
Our own home plate
We've been called out
Do you hear your name?
I'm not confused
Let's win this thing
We can't back down
There's too much at stake
Don't walk away
Don't walk away

We got a situation that we can't ignore
'Cause ignorance is not bliss
We don't have to take this, no
With every big decision
Comes an equally important share of the risk
We gotta take this on

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
This is serious
Don't walk away
We can't pretend it's not happening
In our backyard
Our own home plate
We've been called out
Do you hear your name?
I'm not confused
Let's win this thing
We can't back down
There's too much at stake
Don't walk away
Don't walk away
We can't back down
We can't back down
Not right now
We can't back down

Different Summer-Demi Lovato Camp Rock 2

We're like a melody with no words
Till we figure it out
We sing la, la, la, la
La, la

I know it's simple
Yeah, but it's worked
Right up 'till now
Cuz up till now, yeah
Everyday's been like a dreamworld
But now you're not just in my head, oh no

Will we remember different summers
It's like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we start it all over again and again and again

You know that I can't help but wonder
What's gonna happen next
I'm a little curious, oh yeah
Every star that I stood under
When you were under it too
Did you ever think about us

I hope you did
Cuz I could tell you
That's something I'll never forget
I won't forget

If we remember different summers
It's like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we starting all over again

Only friends
Just begining
But I hope we find it again
So we can go from here

Will we remember different summers
It's like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we starting all over again
Again and again and again and again
Again and again and again
Will we remember different summers

Brand New Day-Demi Lovato Camp Rock 2 lyric

Last years old news
I'm breaking out my six string
And playing from my heart
It's not
Deja Vu
Cause it's another summer
That's how this chapter

I'm gonna run so fast till I can't breathe
(I can't breathe)
Come along and follow me (follow me)
Lets make some noise like
We never did before

It's a Brand New Day
(Don'tcha see me)
Changing up my ways
(So completely)
This time I'm gonna sing and your gonna hear it
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the sprirt
It's a Brand New Day
And I'm feelin good
And I'm feelin good!

So drama free (so drama free)
I'm all about the music
I just wanna sing
Watch me
Live out my dreams
I'm gonna rock that stage
And give my everything

I'm gonna dance until my feet can't move
(feet can't move)
Come along get in the groove (in the groove)
Let's shine so bright more
Then we did before

It's a Brand New Day
(Don'tcha see me)
Changing up my ways
(So completely)
This time I'm gonna sing and your gonna hear it
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the sprirt
It's a Brand New Day
And I'm feelin good

(Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?)
I'm gonna laugh through the summer with you
(Who you gonna be? Who you gonna be?)
You'll just have to watch me carefully
(Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?)
Anywhere my heart wants me to go
I'm gonna sing, I'm gonna dance
I'm gonna write, I'm gonna play
I'm gonna try my hand at everything

Cause it's a Brand New Day
Don'tcha see me
Changing up my ways
So completely
This time I'm gonna sing and your gonna hear it
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the sprirt
It's a Brand New Day

It's a Brand New Day
Don'tcha see me
Changing up my ways
So completely
This time I'm gonna sing and your gonna hear it
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the sprirt
It's a Brand New Day
(It's Brand New Day!)
It's a Brand New Dy
And I'm feelin good!
(Feelin good!)
And Im feelin good

Jumat, 05 November 2010

Miley Cyrus-Goodbye lyrics

I can honestly say you've been on my mind
Since I woke up today, up today
I look at your photograph all the time
These memories come back to life
And I don't mind

I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

But I remember those simple things
I remember 'til I cry
But the one thing I wish I'd forget
The memory I wanna forget
Is goodbye

I woke up this morning and played are song
And throwing my tears, I sang along
I picked up the phone and then put it down
'Cause I know I'm wasting my time
And I don't mind

I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

But I remember the simple things
I remember 'til I cry
But the one thing I wish I'd forget
The memory I wanna forget

Suddenly my cell phone's blowing up
With your ringtone
I hesitate but answer it anyway
You sound so alone
And I'm surprised to hear you say

You remember when we kissed
You still feel it on your lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

You remember the simple things
We talked 'til we cried
You said that your biggest regret
The one thing you wish I'd forget
Is saying goodbye, saying goodbye
Ooh, goodbye

5 November 2010

Abis latihan Paskibra di lapangan upacara. Tapi pasukan kita katanya masih ancur. Padahal lomba bentar lagi.
Beres latihan kita langsung lari-lari ke labkom buat internetan. -padahal di rumah juga bisa. tapi suka berantem sama adek :P-
Si Danyon kaga latian. Di sms juga ngga ngebales lagi. Aahhh...... -,-"

Kamis, 04 November 2010

bikin origami bintang

aku mo bikin origami bintang, dari kertas kado yang panjangnya 26 x 1 cm. Buat apa? buat someone special, hahaha... katanya kalo ngasih 99 origami star as a gift for someone special, kita bakal langgeng gitu. Sengaja ngomongnya bilingual, hahaha...
i love origami star... soalnya lucu sih.. :D

Rabu, 03 November 2010


Diklatsar Day 2

31 Oktober 2010
Baru tidur sepuluh menitan, kita udah dibangunin lagi. Mana dalam waktu beberapa menit harus udah baris, pake spatu, bawa buku Merah Putih (MP), dan kaki kesemutan. Gara-gara lelet, tengah malem udah dapet hukuman.
Ga boleh bawa senter, kita jalan ke lapang upacara, baris per kelompok -kelompok aku ada Agung, Arum, Nurry sama aku- dan pos-posan gitu deh. Sambil jalan pake lilin kita jalan menuju posnya Teh Wynda. Pos pengetahuan -kalo ga salah-, di sana kita ditanya-tanya tentang pengetahuan gitulah. Pokoknya ma aku ma belo'on banget.
Abis dari pos itu, kita jalan ke lapangan basket, di situ ada pos mental. Baru dateng udah di jutekin -,-"... Udah ma pas ditanya kaga bisa jawab lagi. Di suru tutup mata sambil diceramahin, terus makan permen lollipop yang udah dicampur kopi dll -ngga tau pake apa aja-, campur mulut sama capas lainnya.
Nah udah gitu kita jalan ke aula. Di depan pintu masuk ada Kang Cristian, di situ pos PBB. Terus di tes PBB di dalemnya. Abis tes PBB, satu orang-satu orang disuruh ngomong yang kenceng banget, kayak "MAMA, AKU SAYANG MAMA! MAAF YA MA, AKU BELUM BISA BANGGAIN MAMA", -wah malu deh- di suruh makan lollipop lagi.
Kita jalan dikit ketemu posnya teh Rahmah. -lupa nama posnya. Pos fisik kayanya ma- Si Arum di suruh naik turun tangga. Yang lain juga ikutan. Di ceramahin tentang KORSA gitu. Terus ada yang nangis. Nurry sama Arum.
Yang paling beres belakangan kelompoknya kita, nih. Kita ngantri di pos seni. Sama Teh Mega. Aku disuruh nari Bali. Nggak bisa, lah geraknya ngasal. Abis dari situ kita balik lagi ke kelas, nunggu solat subuh. Aku nyanyi-nyanyi teriak-teriak gitu.
Abis solat subuh, kita semua di suruh lari pagi. Tanjakan, gila banget. Pemanasan dulu di lapangan upacara. Terus gara-gara capek, akhirnya balik lagi, sambil nyanyi-nyanyi di sepanjang perjalanan -kaki- pulang. Aku nyanyinya paling kenceng, nambah semangat capas lain yang pada capek -pas lari capek, pas nyanyi ga ada capeknya-.
Pas udah pendinginan, kita bikin lingkaran di lapangan upacara sambil makan kacang ijo yang masih panas. Rame, lah pokoknya ma.
Nah, abis sarapan kita ada acara lagi. Baju sekolah dan atribut yang sudah di kasiin ke senior di suruh di ambil lagi. Seragamnya di pegang sama senior, kita ga tau seragam kita dipegang siapa. Terus buat dapetinnya kita harus ngikutin yang di suruh senior. Aku di suruh nyebutin motto paskibra, terus nyanyi sambil jalan jongkok. Bantuin temen ngafalin janji paskibra, nyebutin PBB1 dan 2 sambil meraktekin, ngejawab tentang bendera. Terus nyebutin panjang dan lebar bendera, jawabannya di suruh tanda tanganin kakak angkat, Kang Rachmat. Buat dapetin papan nama harus menyebutkan alasan ke senior, -3 orang- alasan aku pantas menjadi paskibra. Pas sama Kang Cristian harus teriak dari ujung koridor "KAMI BERJANJI TIDAK AKAN KELUAR DARI PASKIBRA, DAN KAMI PANTAS MENJADI PASKIBRA", kalo ngga salah kayak gitu, kita teriak sampe 5 kali lebih, sampe serak. Terus pas di kasih papan nama sama Teh Rahmah kita teriak kayak gitu lagi di depan lapangan upacara -berdua sama Arum, lupa sebut-.
Nah Arum udah dapet LK, kalo aku belum. Terus buat ngedapetinnya aku harus nyebutin nama lengkap 3 orang senior 3, cita-cita, jabatannya, dan tanggal lahirnya. Gara-gara ngga bisa, aku sama Teh Rahmah di suruh nyebutkan janjoi, motto paskibra dan panca setya. Ada temen yang liat lagi. Terus mendeskripsikan paskibra sebagai bunga. Udah gitu yang paling parah, Teh Tya nulis sebuah tulisan di buku MP Shinta, yang harus dibaca keras-keras. Malu, udah mo nangis. Terus disuruh gitu lagi di depan senior. Malu banget, soalnya tepat di depan senior. Dari situ baru deh aku nangis dan akhirnya dapetin LK. Kita lolos.
Abis semua capas berhasil dapet semua perlengkapannya, kita di suruh baris di koridor dan di oles-oles segala macam sama senior. Ada deodorant juga di oles ke baju. Bweh..!!
Udah solat, kita makan siang, terus apel penutupan. Di situ kita di pasang LK dan papan nama dan sah 100% jadi seorang paskibra. Sekarang udah bukan capas lagi. Pas mo pulang Teh Mega sama Kang Cristian banjur-banjur air kembang ke kita yang lari-larian di lapang basket.
Haha, pokoknya itu hari yang aling membahagiakan dan mengarukan banget, deh. Terus kita pulang ke rumah masing-masing. Woa I love Paskibra. Hahaha.... :D

Selasa, 02 November 2010

Diklatsar Day 1

30-31 Oktober 2010
Adalah salah satu hari paling aneh sekaligus menyenangkan. Pulang sekolah udah sibuk sama barang bawaan buat diklatsar. Mana mama sama papa lagi nggak ada di rumah. Nyiapin semuanya sendiri. Akhirnya dateng agak telat dari waktu yang sudah di jadwalkan. Tapi nggak telat juga, sih.
Gara-gara laper, aku dan Nurry jajan dulu, jalan kaki ke warung yang ngelewatin jalan gang kecil. Terus apel pembukaan sambil ujan-ujanan.
Beres apel masuk ke kelas lagi. Abis solat magrib, kita makan malem. Keren, deh pake lilin-lilin di lantai koridor. Sebelum makan kita jalan di tempat dulu sambil nyanyi mars makan. Lucunya lagi sambil makan, kita harus naruh piring ato gelas di atas kepala. Soalnya makannya harus tegak. Kalo jatoh ya berarti ga tegak. -aku jatoh berkali-kali :P-
Nah, selesai makan, kita solat isya. Abis itu ada acara yang namanya "Mode Show". Jadi ceritanya 2 orang 2 orang masuk ke aula, terus di dalemnya ada senior-senior gitu. Kita di suruh nampilin sesuatu. Aku bingung plus putus asa, ih. Soalnya ga tau mo apa. Ga ada bakat. Pas masuk, udah gitu di kasih musik, terus kita di suruh nari. -paling ga bisa deh kalo di suruh nari- Ya aku cuma bisa diem aja liatin Nurry yang jogetnya asyik bener. Pokoknya cuma berdiri matung kayak orang bego, deh. Malunya....
Abis gitu kita memohon maaf sama senior gara-gara selama ini sering jengkelin. Udah nari-nari -agak gajebo, bagian itu-, kita balik ke kelas. Disuruh tidur, soalnya udah jam sepuluh malem.
Aku nggak mau tidur gitu aja, lah. Kalo tidur kita bakal keilangan pengalaman. Rugi. Nah, pas yang lain tidur, aku, Nurry dan Icung malah ngupingin dan mata-matain senior yang di kelas sebelah. Pas ada senior lewat, kita langsung ribut pura-pura tidur. Hahaha.......
Nurry bilang kayaknya bakal ada yang ngerjain kita gitu jam satu malem. Makanya kita jadi penasaran dan ga bisa tidur. Pas senior masuk, kita ketangkep belum tidur -alias pura-pura tidur-, jadi alesan mo ke toilet :D hahaha....
Akhirnya kayaknya cuma tidur sepuluh menit...


30 oktober 2010, capas 2010 ikutan diklatsar. Buat persiapannya aja udah repot banget. Sampe mo nangis, soalnya mama papa ga ada

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

'bout me

Shinta Dwianty
26 June 1995
Hi, I'm Shinta.
I like cat, strawberry and chocolate